Oh my, I'm such absent minded. I've failed to do my 2009 resolutions and a year has passed.
It's almost a decade now since I graduated from school, and I close 2009 with one word , "Change". Yups, it's Obama's. But I guess he won't mind.
I had 2 major change that matters in a guy's life. Marriage and Job.
I got Married and I switched Jobs, all in the same year. I guess 2010 will be getting the dust settle down on my new life after much change in 2009. It went so fast, that I got little time to think of what ahead. Well, another one bites the dusts.
Those who have been through, says " its only the beginning " sure give me the puzzling, uncertain feeling.
Liken Paul's Warrior of Light, I shall brave this through. Here are my 2010 resolutions, , the 7 Bees.
1. Be Happy. - be kind, be positive, smile and laugh.
2. Be Healthy - cut down on alcohol, reduce waistline, exercise, eat proper.
3. Be focus - at work, chores and investment.
4. Be Hungry - for knowledge
5. Be generous - to give to the needy, to help the weak
6. Be fun - live each day to the fullest with much joy.
7. Be gracious - to friends and families.
2010, as the dust settles, a new decade begins.