Some say it easy, some have much difficulty in saying it.
Saying sorry would be admitting to error, fault, mistake, acts or words that causes hurt to another person. It's also to imply you are wrong and also, you are human. Hence the famous excuse " to err is human"
But why isit so hard ? Saying it easy, would makes it sounds insincere or perhaps the fault is little. Does it matters?
So I have caused hurt, but does sorry makes the pain goes away? I'm Sorry but no cure.
It does not. So why say sorry ?
Does it feel better for the person if the person at fault suffers the same? Not really, that's more pain.
So why say Sorry...
As I ponder this question, in my life throughout, I have done countless mistakes, fault, errors which I supposed made me human. And each time , I may be forgiven with a sorry but at times, I Am not forgiven at all. Essentially, I learn. Being forgiven is a chance given. That what shapes me. If i did not apologise, stick to my stubborness, I will grow into a BIG ARSE.
Saying Sorry is personal. If one is truly sorry, he would reflect it like a post mortem on the fault.Sincerely, one should remember this moment, the sorry moment so one would not repeat the mistake again.
Apologies does not soothe the pain, does not warrant vengence.Apologies have to be sincere.
Forgiveness does not change the past, it changes the future.Forgiveness re-connects, re-bonds , re-strengthen
However how many times one can say sorry over the same thing and be forgiven ? I have no answer to that. That's what life is,
It depends !!!