Complimentary of Miss JB Die hard, I went to the Tigerlive tour at St James Power station. Prior to this, months ago, I went to its brewery. Yes, I am verymuch interested in how what I consumed is being produced.
The Tigerlive tour cost sgd18 per person, whereas the brewery tour cost sgd 5. Vast difference, but the experience is different as well.
Tigerlive is much more entertaining and the location is easily accessible. The Tiger brewry tour however is more on the manufacturing but its located at Tuas, near to the 2nd Link. Not to mention, the tour in the factory is HOT.
Tigerlive started by the tour on the medals it achieve, and a little bit of history, and then a 3D animated (they let you wear 3D glasses) cartoon on how beer is made. You will be brought from room to room, its pretty impressive. The brewery tour is pretty much on how they manufacture the beer. You'll see hot pipes, steam, big kettles, and very very fast beer cans being filled up with beer.
Neverthless both ended up with a free flow of beer. Tigerlive states that only one beer, but in actual fact, you can have more i think. I had 3. :) . This is the highlight of the event. The super cold beer at the end of both tours are super duper nice and smooth and FRESH. I like the Tiger pub at the brewery though.
I would suggest the tiger brewery tour, but they need minimum of 15 people to organize the tour.
The Tigerlive venue is Boiler room at night, which is the R&B club amongst the St James outlets.
How to enjoy Tiger
Fact 1: Tiger beer is a beer to accompany with barbequed, charred or grilled meats.
Fact 2 : Drink beer from a mug to get the best of its flavors and not from the bottle.
Fact 3 : Add sour plum (mandarin : suan mei) to the beer, it will make the beer sweet.
Fact 4 : Drink the beer ICE cold but do not add ICE.