Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Shiny Happy People
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I used to drive in Malaysia, almost everyone drives in MAlaysia. Its a typical thing to get your license at the age of 17, the legal age to drive. Aside the "kopi lui" , I'm pretty ok with driving.
Driving in Singapore is slightly a different experience. The country may be small, but it sure have a lot of traffic lights. It doesn't make sense to have a high CC car here, unless you want to flaunt and if you goto Malaysia to drive faster. Whatever car you have, be it a BMW, Mercedes or the cute little QQ, you got to stop at the traffic light.
People are law-abiding causing un-expected brakes. Why ? Because of the speed limit of 90 kph, everyone tries to keep it at 90 - 110. When they see the sign , Camera Zone, they brake to reduce speed to 88- 90 on a freeway. Thats so dangerous, cause it cause a domino braking effect the cars behind and if one is not looking, panic brakes, accidents. The speed limit is too slow on the freeway.And I always wonder, does the camera always have film inside? Well, I do not know if I have incur any speeding fines.
Parking. The lack of parking space probably explains why they are expensive and there is almost no such thing as free parking. Everywhere you want to park your car, you pay, except IMM and your friend's condo. And notice everyone reverse park. Its a Singapore thingy I guess.
Kiasuism. People don't give way. Elsewhere at least in Malaysia ,its ok to let one or two cars that politely signal to cut in. Its not the case in Singapore. Well, only the gutsy survive here.
Honking. its a South East Asian incld China phenomenon, not just here. I think everyone who drove before in other countries, people are courteous , there is hardly honking. They honk only in case of danger. Here, people honk at anything. You cut it, they honk, hesistate a bit at the green light, they honk, slow a bit, they honk.
Signal to change lanes. Well, people been telling me singaporeans don't signal when changing lanes. Well, they do. ITs not 100% but 50% do.
Anyways, why don't own a car then..
1. A good car technically can last for more than 10 years but the value of the car in Singapore depreciates faster than me balding.
2. Driving cost. Besides the car installment, parking, ERP, insurance, tax , and unforeseen expenses can take a toll on you. And not to mention fines.
3. Bus, trains and taxis are convinient if you know and plan your timing well.
Probably will get a car when I need it.
Bus ride
Many discriminating thoughts rushed through my mind awaiting quick decisions...
" Should I sit beside the cute girl or the fat guy?, but if I sit next to her, she will think i am a pervert, but i would not have much space with the fat guy.
" I should not sit near that smelly dude, I think I will stand."
However, its interesting to also see who will sit next to you when there are a few vacant seats.
" *grin, lets hope a sexy nice smelling girl will sit next to me "
Perhaps I am weird, not sure other people have so much thoughts. Probably simple minded people would just sit anywhere thats the nearest.
I notice some unwritten rules.
1. The bus seat facing backwards, is always the last place to be taken up or sometimes vacant and passengers prefer to stand. Perhaps they feel uneasy facing the rest of passengers. Or, they have a big zit and do not want people to stare at them.
2. Girls will always choose to sit with girls and guys will always sit with guys. Maybe girls think most guys are pervert and guys don't girls to think they are pervert. I personally, would like to sit next a pretty girl.
3. Aunties, post-ladies with NTUC plastic bags..you know whom i meant don't care as long there are seats.
4. Perhaps there is a little hint of racism in us too. We will prefer to seat with our own race.
5. When someone seated on the aisle seat and leave the window seat vacant, he/she is saying..I prefer you not to sit next to me...leave me alone. More obviously, if he/she puts his/her bag there, meaning "don't you understand my body language, leave me alone"
Nevertheless, sometimes bud rides coupled with a train rides are more efficient than having a car. Sometimes only...
Maybe I will tell you why you should not have a car in Singapore.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
I like to booze under the Moon
You are The Moon
Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.
The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Friday, July 13, 2007

I was browsing through Kinokuniya one fine day and there this particular self help book that caught my eye.
SUMO ...not the really fat Japanese wrestler, but a acronym for
Shut Up and Move On.
I don't know what's between those pages and not in need of any self help books. Well, simply, I think its good to have that in life. Life is too short to wallow, and to feel sorry. Maybe a bit, then SUMO it.
As it is always true, its easy to tell people but when it happens to you, its always different.
Its the same. Its always , I quote Dr House who quote Elisabeth Kubler Ross,
the 5 stages..of grief.
Denial...Anger...Bargaining...Depression...and finally Acceptance.
ah well...a friend always tells me, everything will be alright in the end which is accidentally wise.
This for my friend...SUMO it quick.
Since emotional grief is a reaction of biological chemicals, some pharmaceutical company should create a instant SUMO pill.
Sad, pop a Happy pill.
err...sounds too druggy.
Oh well...