I was browsing through Kinokuniya one fine day and there this particular self help book that caught my eye.
SUMO ...not the really fat Japanese wrestler, but a acronym for
Shut Up and Move On.
I don't know what's between those pages and not in need of any self help books. Well, simply, I think its good to have that in life. Life is too short to wallow, and to feel sorry. Maybe a bit, then SUMO it.
As it is always true, its easy to tell people but when it happens to you, its always different.
Its the same. Its always , I quote Dr House who quote Elisabeth Kubler Ross,
the 5 stages..of grief.
Denial...Anger...Bargaining...Depression...and finally Acceptance.
ah well...a friend always tells me, everything will be alright in the end which is accidentally wise.
This for my friend...SUMO it quick.
Since emotional grief is a reaction of biological chemicals, some pharmaceutical company should create a instant SUMO pill.
Sad, pop a Happy pill.
err...sounds too druggy.
Oh well...
denial,anger, bargaining, depression, final acceptance.
bargaining for what?
its when you consider the what ifs, like...what if i change? what would you consider if I am nicer?
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