two zero zero eight is here.
Macroly what I've known so far,
...its a election year for US and for Malaysia. Its a China Olympic year.Its the year of the RAT. Its a bad year for whose zodiac signage is Horse. The US subprime issue continue to haunt the global markets. Its a Euro Cup year. It is a leap year.
As for me, life still goes on.
known little to all, I have a resolute blog in which I pen my resolution yearly. Gladly I have achieved 80% of my 2007 resolutions. 2008 ones are going to be tougher but similar.
to my friends/readers , please challenge me for new additional resolutions. give me fresh new ideas.
My NYE was spent with friends from my hometown, friends whom i grew up with, and girlfriend. We had a simple cold storage dinner followed by Sake, Good Wine ( Wolfblass Cab Sav 2006), Alize Passion. We watched Sex and the city and i lost 10 dollars in BlackJack. All this with songs in the background compiled by High Society. Wonderful Songs.
I almost broke my 2007 resolution by drinking more than 5 drinks, but i realised, its mignight...into it does not count.
Another year herein.