Monday, January 14, 2008

Thrifty, Frugal, Provident, Sparing, Parsimonious, Stingy, Miserly

Thrifty, Frugal, Provident, Sparing, Parsimonious, Stingy, Miserly , all these meant the same thing , but describe different behaviours.

And excerpt from a online article i read recently explains all that.

" The English language is rich with words to describe personal economic behavior. There are words people use when they're happy that you're not spending too much: thrifty, frugal, provident. There are words people use when they're not so sure: sparing, parsimonious. These are the words people use when they're unhappy that you're not spending more: stingy and miserly.

The fact is, though, that these words work pretty well for marking the dividing line between normal behavior and crazy behavior."

Read it more here

Recently I encounter Websites like that are helpful for frugal living and tips and tricks for other things as well. It explains why some of us do ways differently.

Living below one means is one step to financially free.


Philip Brewer said...

Thanks for the link!

Glad my post spoke to you.

Philip Brewer

SoupLad said...

that probably explains the Nos.

i see u r already making efforts to spend less.