This is one of the liquor which you can drink that makes you feel rich. :P
Here are a few tips to hold your liquor. Well, too much of it will still bring you down. Some of it, you guys might know.
1. Do not mix your booze. This is true esspecially with beer. Do not mix beer with the rest. Beer is gaseous and it brings the alchohol into your brain quicker.
2. Do not drink with a empty stomach. Oldest tip in the book. Food helps you to absorb alchohol. Empty stomach just makes it easier for the alchohol to go into your bloodstreams.
3. Light colored alchohol does not provide as much hangover as darker alchohol. Still experimenting.
4. Always mix alchohol with mixers. Do not be a hero to down it neat. Water is the best.
5. Always be the friend to the best drinker, so he won't toast you down.
6. Be the bartender, then you know how much to pour for youself.
7. Drinks lots of water in between drinks. it dilutes the alchohol.
8. Dance. you are there to party, not to be a alchoholic. Somehow, the alchohol effect will wear off. Don't worry if you can't dance well, no one cares.
9. Don't drink too fast. why ? alchohol is expensive, and you are not trying to commit suicide.
10. If you feel light headed, seriously stop drinking until you feel better. A wasted person is always an emabarassment.
11. Don't drink if you are tired or sad or depress. The other way , you can hold your liquor better when you are happy.
12.Cocktails. If you do not know what isit, don't drink too much of it. They may taste harmless, but there are potent. They are meant to be drink slowly.
Here's a 2 post from one of the blogs I read on how to care for your wasted buddies.
Part 1 - http://vandalin.blogspot.com/2006/06/definitive-guide-to-caring-for-drunk.html
Part 2 - http://vandalin.blogspot.com/2006/06/definitive-guide-to-caring-for-drunk_28.html
Looks like i am a violator of many a rule.
Guidelines, BeerBrat..guidelines.
I don't set the rules. Look forward for my next post on Budget Wasted Guide.
Alcohol rules!
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(Please feel free to delete this post if you don't want it on your blog. Thanks for the informative blog and opportunity to post.)
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