Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Buy Tissue

Tissue peddlers are a normal scene in Singapore. They scoured food courts , food places for lunchers, diners without tissue, and they will approach you politely, " Mr/Miss, 3 packets tissue for 1 dollar".

Some will decline, but most will buy seeing an old lady or anold man peddling it. Some will even, beg pitifully to ask you to help after you decline the first time.n

However, today I encounter a new one, when I was lunching with my colleagues. A young man, dress shabbily in a t-shirt, with short pull up high, tucked in approach my lady colleague...showed her 4 packets of tissue.

"小 姐 , 帮 我 买 面 纸 , 4 包 2 块, 我 是 神 经 病 的 !"

"Lady, help me buy 4 packets of tissue for 2 dollars , I am a lunatic"

We politely refused, and he left to the next table.

2 dollars for 4, I think we are shen jing ping to buy.

and he does not look shen jing ping lor.


Michelle said...

He IS shen jing bing, shen jing bing to sell 4 packets of tissue at $2!!

SoupLad said...

one will be shen jing bing to believe a shen jing bing will say he or she is a shen jing bing.

largi shen jing bing to buy.

(T) (H) (B) said...

I can but 16 packs from Watsons with $2..