I caught Enchanted last weekend, it's really entertaining, well another feel good movie. Some of my friends are facing problems, sadness, unhappiness, harsh reality to really truly believe there is such thing as happily ever after.

Carrie is right to say it would only exist if you believe. thats the "Secret". Much mumbo jumbo the book has but it works. You are what you believe. Dalai Lama believes true happiness only has two pillars, compassion and altrusim. I would like to add though, cause it does not ends there. To be happy, a person needs to look ahead and be positive. Do not let unhappy events or bad emotions hold you back, spiralling down to dark limbo.
How to do that when your problems does not end ? take time off and do things that makes you happy. Many would say "easier said than that"...Definitely hard. But do try...you got nothing to lose.
Secret is the Law of Attraction. You attracts what is constantly in your thoughts.
cheesy as it may sound, i was thinking this book. Came across it at the flea market near china square. Harp Pry some more.. haha. Law of attraction.. haha
Well..it sounded good but it has its flaws too. All in all, a good concept. I believe its the way to go.
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