More often than not when I takes the train to work at early morning. Sometimes later, just to avoid the rush hour.
I like people watching, (not babe watch..just people). Like for example, he dresses so smart, where does he work, or a this dude reading notes, is he having an exam later...if yes, what subject? and etc etc.
Often than not, I have seen pregnant ladies and old folks boarding train at this hour. Its a nightmare. Referring to souplad's post http://soupofthedae.blogspot.com/2006/10/excuse-me-could-u-please-let-me-have.html.
only 1 out of 3 situations, someone actually offered the poor pregnant lady a seat. And today, its a middle aged lady who seats 2 seats away from the pregnant lady who was standing offers her a seat. In front of her , its a man, pretending to be asleep, and beside the man its a young lady who is staring blankly in front. However, its kinda difficult for the middle aged lady to usher out and for the pwegnant lady to move there as its pretty crowded. Paiseh-ly , the young lady was about to stand up and offer her seat, the man also paisehly stand up and offer his seat. I rolled up my eyes.
As for the other pwegnant ladies before, not so lucky. Well, all of you pwegnant ladies out there, you can heed SoupLad's advice to ask. Lets assume that its a busy and sleepy morning rush hour, everyone's courtesy is still sleeping.
Another thing. Embarking and disembarking the MRT. I was working in Bangkok for a short stint and usually I take the cab to work. One fine day my friend ask me to take the BTS( Bangkok Sky Train) instead, so I agreed. He wanted to show me why the Thais are so courteous and orderly. There are queues outside the BTS door, and in the middle is a gap for the passengers to disembark. I was wow-ed. When train doors open, people just usher in properly, NO pushing, NO squeezing although there is many people. Passengers from inside can walk out properly. However in Singapore, First Class governement, first class opposition, Sigh.....Everywhere you queue but not at MRT.
I see this all the time. It's abominable! All these idiotic whippersnappers who like nothing better than to pretend the view out the window is the most fascinating thing they've ever seen, to the point they can ignore the fact that there is a pregnant/old person standing right in front of their face. If said person had stripped naked and danced around playing a trombone and singing "I need the seat more than you do" the arseholes would just continue to sit there, like a herd of fat,bimbotic cows chewing their cuds.
wow.. nice to know people q in Bangkok for the train. I hate people who'd squeeze into the car like there's no tomorrow. I'd usually deliberately bump into their body or I'll say "stupid" out loud.
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