I was travelling to work one day, I couldn't help noticing this dude. It was slightly post-Rush hour, getting a seat is like trying to queue for McDonald Hello Kitty, first come first take thingy during rush hour. He got his own Chair.He actually brought his own chair inside the MRT. So there, he sits there SITTING , reading his newspaper. Respek this pak.
At least he is not disturbing. Some irritating habits are far worse in the MRT.
1. Pole dancers. Passengers who lean on the pole like they have no spinal cord.
2. Deejay wannabee. People who play loud music on thier handphone speakers...some even have radio.
3. Hoggers. ever notice that the area near the door is crowded and the center is not. Its like you get first prize if you hop out faster.
4. Monkeys. Kids who swing here and swing there. I blame the parents for not disciplining them.
5. LoudSpeaker. Passengers who talk out loud, very loud so everyone knows what you are talking about.
6. BO. Personally I dislike unpleasant smell. This is kinda discriminating though. I just hope deodorants and parfums are cheaper and widely available. Otherwise, just bear with it.
To the extent, there is a blog dedicated to this. I applaud the author.
Please click to find your pictures if you are guilty.
No shit... tat's quite resourceful of him.
I hate monkeys to the core.
I am very tempted to extend my legs and let them tripped.
BTW, I wonder he will give up his seat when he sees a PWEGNANT auntie or an AH PEK Or AH MAH...
serkali.. .he takes another out of his sack and offer to anyone who need to seat....
beerbrat - resourcefulness has limits.
souplad - i doubt he will offer his seat to anyone.
you know, there was once I deliberately keep holding on to the pole when a well dressed auntie lean on the pole. She kept leaning on it, even when her body pressed against my fingers! Like super bo-chap loh. Like she can't feel anything! We both persisted and she kept leaning on it... Unbelievable...
Hey~ I noticed you linked me as Lil' Dophin. :D I like~
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