Valentine's Day is here...
To whom all I love and adore, Happy Valentine's Day.
I went to Wikipedia and read some about the origins of it. It seems there are many versions of its origins, but for sure its name after Christians matyrs named Valentine. 2 versions which I like are ...
One version is on the eve of Valentine, Mr Valentine who was due to be persecuted, passed a love letter to the jailer's daughter , "from your valentine ..."
Another version is St Valentine secretly arrange Roman soldiers to get married when Emepror Claudius of that time ban roman soldiers from getting married.
And the rest is history. It became a holiday, then into a festival, then a custom, and now, a gimmick. Why do we need a day to remind each other how much we love them ?
Interestingly, in Japan and Korea, the ladies is accustomed to give candy and chocolates to whom they like. Then the following month, on the 14th, the men give back. To the flower shops, chocolate shops, gift shops,...it means more money !!!...I think i am being cynical. By the way, March 14th is call a White Day.
I like Black Day the best which is on April 14th. The singles get their own day to celebrate if they didn't get any either on February, MArch 14th. They will gather and eat Chinese noodles with black sauce. I bet alcohol is involved as well.
Read more about it here ,.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentines
So everyone get a piece of the fun. There are many many more varitations to this holiday.
Not to mention one, the Chinese Valentine, but thats another story.
To the singles...its SAD ( Single Awareness Day ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singles_Awareness_Day
Valentine to me, is ...just another day. Because, St Valentine send love letters to his love every other day as well. Why only we remember the day when he was killed ?
I am not againts Valentine Days, just a piece of advice... don't get ripped off.
Agree, Valentine's day is just another day. Plus, like you said, a rip off day.
But perhaps, for those who had neglected their other half, it's a good time to remind them, don't take things for granted.
Still, I don't like the idea of getting a few roses, and making the flourist richer. haha..
BUT, chinese valentines day coming soon...
*get ready mandarin oranges*
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