Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Kawan, Peng You, Friends

Sometimes I see someone familiar while walking, but you just couldn't recall his/her name. What do I do ? Or perhaps, someone you see while taking the bus or train seems like was introduced to you before. You remember the face , but can't recall.

A. Act blur, look at another direction or divert to another direction.
B. Look at his/her and see if he/she smiles to you or like yourself looking towards other direction.
C. Walk up to her and say " Hi, How are you doing ? " and go blah blah blah...hoping for him/her to reply " err...sorry, but i can't remember your name" or worse still, he/she remembers.
D. Smile and Nod if he/shelooks back at you.

These are Hi Bye friends. Friends who are introduced to you by your friends once or twice but failed to make a conversation ( conversations that lasts more than 30 minutes) or connection.

Honestly, I pick A nd D. When I pick B, the other party seems to pick A. Probably I am fugly or deem as someone dangerous. :P

Pretty obvious I classify friends. Some of my friends don't classify friends. All their friends are friends. What I meant, friends excluding girlfriend which of cos needs to be special. My take is , humans are bias, so the tendancy to classification either intentionally or not, is there.

Friends classification usually is segregated on how closely one is to the person usually based on the feeling of Trust. The closer and more priviledged friends , the more Trust existed beyond them. Trust is a very thin line, often breaks if one party betrays the Trust intentionally or unintentionally for his/her benefit. Some segregate friends by benefits. The more mutual benefits they get from each other , the closer they are. Hence...friends with benefits. haha !!!

Others can classify through clans, i.e. same village, same school. or through interest/hobbies, i.e biking friends, Dancing friends, golfing friend..etc and well...I can't think of anymore.

As for me...Trust.


c a r c a r said...



SoupLad said...

circle of trust ...or thrust? hmm...(snigger)

In the corporate world... trust or thrust....

if u lost the former be prepared 2 b thrust... (dio4 gan3....)