Friday, February 09, 2007

I want, I need, I desire

There are many things in life that one live for, fight for, earn for.

When you spend you keep or wages, self help books on finance always urged you to seperate it into Wants and Needs.

Its simple.

Need takes the highest priority. A must have. Things like shelter, food, water...etc

Want would probably be something you like and enjoy but its not a must have. And you are able to afford it after saving some money for it.

But I would like to introduce Desire. Desire and want shares a thin line seperating them.

I view desire as wicked, something you want but hard to get or can't get. Something not always tangible. Something belonging to someone, or someone has. Desire is the highest of want. Usually its sexually related. haha.

I desire ...

Desire is what makes out life more coloful and fun.

1 comment:

SoupLad said...

yes i desire.... desire your money .. gimme gimme all ya money....