Miss Hornist says:
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.
Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beaTing the air.
and she answers...
No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.
And I say
I find this true for most of us out there. What we hope to attain in life ? I always believed in short term specific goals and Long term big pictured goals. As you grow older, life gets complicated, and some of your dreams, you shelved it, some of your fantasies, you buried it, some of your hopes, well..it remains as hope.
Blessed are those who knows what they want. Excited are those who knows how to attain what they want. Bliss for those who already got it.
I never believe in planning long term. I never believed in planning to fail. Plans almost never work the way you plan. Plan to fail, and you will fail. What happens if your plan hit a crossroad, or a unexpected junction. The key is ,I believe in decision making. The skills of making the right decision determines your life journey, life path, your experiences and who you are. Its the butterfly effect....
I do sometimes make stupid decisions, and it costs me. I make good decisions and it benefits me.
So, I need to make the right decisions in LIFE.
So, the blue shirt or the red shirt ?
* Miss Hornist is a friend which I admire for her spontaneous, quirky, honest, buey-paiseh and courageous character. Her decisions in life makes me drop my jaw, her antics with Taxi drivers makes me laugh. Tough girl ...and I always wonder why she and Souplad never got together ...hahaha..thats another story
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Quick healthy Meals
Healthy meals are often deem as bland, troublesome, yucky and expensive. If you google how to cook healthily, eat better, you will be turn off by
1. Ingredients you don't have in your kitchen.
2. The time to whipped up something for yourself esspeically you are single, working in a Rat Race kinda world.
3. The time to buy a wanton meee and SausageMCMuffin is quicker than your healthier altenatives.
Breakfast can be simple. This is what i have been practising.
First of all, get the ingredients.
1. Walnuts, Almonds ( "Shi Ma Lu" somewhere near Bugis, its a lot of cheaper)
2. Honey Oats Cereal
3. SKimmed Milk ( low fat )
So every morning, just throw everything into the bowl. Some walnuts + cereal + milk. It will keep you full.
Anothe idea is add kiwi...peel and chopped them into cubes. Served with walnuts and milk. Kiwi may be substitute with Strawberries as well.
It takes me 10 minutes to prepare and to finish my meal every morning.
Bored with them..well..I am still lookin for quick, healthier meals. I like it fast, delicious and healthy. Will post them when I find out.
1. Ingredients you don't have in your kitchen.
2. The time to whipped up something for yourself esspeically you are single, working in a Rat Race kinda world.
3. The time to buy a wanton meee and SausageMCMuffin is quicker than your healthier altenatives.
Breakfast can be simple. This is what i have been practising.
First of all, get the ingredients.
1. Walnuts, Almonds ( "Shi Ma Lu" somewhere near Bugis, its a lot of cheaper)
2. Honey Oats Cereal
3. SKimmed Milk ( low fat )
So every morning, just throw everything into the bowl. Some walnuts + cereal + milk. It will keep you full.
Anothe idea is add kiwi...peel and chopped them into cubes. Served with walnuts and milk. Kiwi may be substitute with Strawberries as well.
It takes me 10 minutes to prepare and to finish my meal every morning.
Bored with them..well..I am still lookin for quick, healthier meals. I like it fast, delicious and healthy. Will post them when I find out.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Movie Reviews..

Some movies I've watched recently.
A typical rags to riches story on how 3 girls started of as backup singers for a superstar, later superceded becoming superstars of their own. A story how the colored race trying to make it big in white dominant industry at that time. It is broadway style, meaning it has a lot of singing and dancing.
What amuses me , is that they even sing when they are quarrelling.
I give it 3/5 bananas.

A action-packed, computer graphics movie about King Leonidas bring along his 300 spartans to defend Sparta after failing to get support from his council for more soldiers, to stop the invading 170,000 army of King Xerxes of Persia.
Very entertaining. A lot of nice choreographed fighting moves that proves beyong reasonable doubt that the spartans are the best warriors of their time. And ladies and gays will be very much entertain by the feast of eight-packs , almost naked men fighting. Guys will be entertained by the action pack fighting scenes and not to leave out the steamy scenes. :)
Soupland thought it will be a great word "300" to describe a person who is a hero yet stupid. For eg, asking the boss not to smoke in front of you...etc.
" wah, you the very 300 !!!"
I enjoyed it. 4/5 bananas.
Stomp the Yard

A story on how a Dance battle gone wrong got DJ's brother got killed. To make matters worse, he got wrongfully convicted but got aquitted in the end.
Starting over a new leaf, he went to live with his uncle and aunt to study in a Black University, to realise his brother's dream. The university he is attending is crazy about stepping, a kind of dance, where members of the frat partake.
This show is plain cheesy and childish. Reminds me of myself in secondary school. How childish is university seniors and freshman, engage in stupid cheers, sabo and etc
I give it 1/5 banana.
Music and Lyrics

Story about a 70's superstar from the group POP, Alex trying to make a come back. He is only a favorite among the hot mamas now. He got his chance for a comeback when the current popular singer Cora ask him to compose a song to express her feelings when she broke up with a 2 month old boyfriend...duh !!!
Alex is good at melody, but is hopeless on writing the lyrics. Sophie , started of as Alex's plant girl caught his attention at her naturally talented skill of putting words that rhyme together hence she becomes Alex lyricist.
A funny romantic feel good movie with only one nice catchy song.
I give it 3/5 bananas.

Some movies I've watched recently.
A typical rags to riches story on how 3 girls started of as backup singers for a superstar, later superceded becoming superstars of their own. A story how the colored race trying to make it big in white dominant industry at that time. It is broadway style, meaning it has a lot of singing and dancing.
What amuses me , is that they even sing when they are quarrelling.
I give it 3/5 bananas.

A action-packed, computer graphics movie about King Leonidas bring along his 300 spartans to defend Sparta after failing to get support from his council for more soldiers, to stop the invading 170,000 army of King Xerxes of Persia.
Very entertaining. A lot of nice choreographed fighting moves that proves beyong reasonable doubt that the spartans are the best warriors of their time. And ladies and gays will be very much entertain by the feast of eight-packs , almost naked men fighting. Guys will be entertained by the action pack fighting scenes and not to leave out the steamy scenes. :)
Soupland thought it will be a great word "300" to describe a person who is a hero yet stupid. For eg, asking the boss not to smoke in front of you...etc.
" wah, you the very 300 !!!"
I enjoyed it. 4/5 bananas.
Stomp the Yard

A story on how a Dance battle gone wrong got DJ's brother got killed. To make matters worse, he got wrongfully convicted but got aquitted in the end.
Starting over a new leaf, he went to live with his uncle and aunt to study in a Black University, to realise his brother's dream. The university he is attending is crazy about stepping, a kind of dance, where members of the frat partake.
This show is plain cheesy and childish. Reminds me of myself in secondary school. How childish is university seniors and freshman, engage in stupid cheers, sabo and etc
I give it 1/5 banana.
Music and Lyrics

Story about a 70's superstar from the group POP, Alex trying to make a come back. He is only a favorite among the hot mamas now. He got his chance for a comeback when the current popular singer Cora ask him to compose a song to express her feelings when she broke up with a 2 month old boyfriend...duh !!!
Alex is good at melody, but is hopeless on writing the lyrics. Sophie , started of as Alex's plant girl caught his attention at her naturally talented skill of putting words that rhyme together hence she becomes Alex lyricist.
A funny romantic feel good movie with only one nice catchy song.
I give it 3/5 bananas.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Pirates ..alas
I'm always amazed by Pirates ever since I read Treasure Island the classic, not the cartoon.
And now.. for Pirates of the Carribean,
Captain Jack Sparrow never ceased to amazed me. And thus, featuring the following, Pirates of the Carribean - at the World's end.
Trailers just released...here you are
also starring Chow Yuen Fatt, as a pirate from Singapore. Sinkapor got pilate meh ?
And now.. for Pirates of the Carribean,
Captain Jack Sparrow never ceased to amazed me. And thus, featuring the following, Pirates of the Carribean - at the World's end.
Trailers just released...here you are
also starring Chow Yuen Fatt, as a pirate from Singapore. Sinkapor got pilate meh ?
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
For the past month and more, I've been changing my lifestyle a bit. Most of my friends knows why, but seems to think I'm doing it too drastically. It seems I've been like a social outcast, a person that travels on a road less travelled, a health freak..and so on.
Now I understood how my cousin felt when all of us, family keep pestering her, teasing her on her diet. I asked her why is she doing this, cos her diet is peculiar, its not vegetarian nor vegan, nor atkins nor Ornish. It has no scientific or medical basis. She just eats plainly, like porridge, brown rice, steam fish, veges...barring all kinds of sinful food etc, etc. Her answer to me is that she just want to do this for a a few years, to train her discipline. I admired her for that and respect her from then. Now she eats better. I admire her determination.
Well, it was my unhealthy medical report that sparks me to change my diet and little of lifestyle. It requires some discipline at first, but after a while, you get used to it. And now I feel much better. To add to my harvest of my determination, my latest blood test shows that I passed in flying colors. But does that mean I can get back to my old ways of diet....No...I intend to keep it up as long as I could. Some friends think i might not last, some thinks i am overreacting. Well, I am a stubborn mule.
My diet's is pretty much what doctor advice to the general public which is to keep saturated fats as low as possible and eat plenty of beans, fruits and veges. But I go further by barring myself to daily intake of either fish or chicken. Beef or other red meats will be consumed once a month. Carbohydrates, refined sugar are kept to the minimum. Alcohol is permissible but not binge drinking. Fried foods, junk food and desserts, only once in a blue moon and be followed by extra exercise. As for snacks, nuts is my favorite. Cooking methods in the order of my preferance are steam, boil, bake, stir fry, saute...lastly fry.
And people around me always say " Wah !!! so healthy arr !!!".
Anyways, I have lost 3kg in a month. Reduced my cholesterol level by 52%, (it was very abnormally high before until the doctor's eyes popped out). And furthermore , I've gain a lot of information regarding cholesterol.
Welcome myself to my new life.
Now I understood how my cousin felt when all of us, family keep pestering her, teasing her on her diet. I asked her why is she doing this, cos her diet is peculiar, its not vegetarian nor vegan, nor atkins nor Ornish. It has no scientific or medical basis. She just eats plainly, like porridge, brown rice, steam fish, veges...barring all kinds of sinful food etc, etc. Her answer to me is that she just want to do this for a a few years, to train her discipline. I admired her for that and respect her from then. Now she eats better. I admire her determination.
Well, it was my unhealthy medical report that sparks me to change my diet and little of lifestyle. It requires some discipline at first, but after a while, you get used to it. And now I feel much better. To add to my harvest of my determination, my latest blood test shows that I passed in flying colors. But does that mean I can get back to my old ways of diet....No...I intend to keep it up as long as I could. Some friends think i might not last, some thinks i am overreacting. Well, I am a stubborn mule.
My diet's is pretty much what doctor advice to the general public which is to keep saturated fats as low as possible and eat plenty of beans, fruits and veges. But I go further by barring myself to daily intake of either fish or chicken. Beef or other red meats will be consumed once a month. Carbohydrates, refined sugar are kept to the minimum. Alcohol is permissible but not binge drinking. Fried foods, junk food and desserts, only once in a blue moon and be followed by extra exercise. As for snacks, nuts is my favorite. Cooking methods in the order of my preferance are steam, boil, bake, stir fry, saute...lastly fry.
And people around me always say " Wah !!! so healthy arr !!!".
Anyways, I have lost 3kg in a month. Reduced my cholesterol level by 52%, (it was very abnormally high before until the doctor's eyes popped out). And furthermore , I've gain a lot of information regarding cholesterol.
Welcome myself to my new life.
Monday, March 12, 2007
A thought
A while ago, I read in Lexean about India and China.
In Asia , India is the largest democratic country and China is the largest Communist country.
And during Cold War, we are being taught in schools, that
Communist - BAD
Democracy - GOOD
We were taught that dictatorship is bad , a parlimentary constitution will make a country prosper.
Today, China is one of the most important and rapidly growing economy in the world. and India and even United States is lagging behind in growth.
My views, are that countries are prospering because of capitalism, a incentive-driven society. The more laissez-faire state it is, the better. But if everything is profit or incentive driven, there will be no mercy nor compassion for those who left behind.
The rich becomes richer, the poor becomes poorer, eventually hell breaks loose.
We should re-think these polictical ideologies and someone needs to create a new and more suitable one for our society.
Democracy does not work, and neither does communist.
Decomcracy is plagued by cronyism, nepotism, elitism and briberism.
Communist is plagued by marginalism, elitism, and briberism.
Notice these are components of incentive driven-ism
In Asia , India is the largest democratic country and China is the largest Communist country.
And during Cold War, we are being taught in schools, that
Communist - BAD
Democracy - GOOD
We were taught that dictatorship is bad , a parlimentary constitution will make a country prosper.
Today, China is one of the most important and rapidly growing economy in the world. and India and even United States is lagging behind in growth.
My views, are that countries are prospering because of capitalism, a incentive-driven society. The more laissez-faire state it is, the better. But if everything is profit or incentive driven, there will be no mercy nor compassion for those who left behind.
The rich becomes richer, the poor becomes poorer, eventually hell breaks loose.
We should re-think these polictical ideologies and someone needs to create a new and more suitable one for our society.
Democracy does not work, and neither does communist.
Decomcracy is plagued by cronyism, nepotism, elitism and briberism.
Communist is plagued by marginalism, elitism, and briberism.
Notice these are components of incentive driven-ism
Friday, March 09, 2007
Healthy Lifestyle
I was wondering why BeerBrat kept asking me for breaksfast !!! Little did I know he resolutes to wake up early.
Sleep, has many beneficials to one's body. Deprived and lacking of it bring dire and bad consequences to your overall health. I used to clock only 5 hours of sleep daily. And it turns out,
I need more coffee during the day.
I have aching muscles.
My health report is not good.
I goto work late.
My mind can't think properly.
I make silly decisions and mistakes.
Sleep is a new science that scientist are discovering its benefits. When you sleep, your body subconciously begins to excretes toxins and unwanted fats from your body.
Whats the difference sleeping early and waking up vs sleeping late and waking up late ? Well, the idea is to be regular. once you regularly practices a sleeping pattern, the body learns to adjust it.
Its 1:28am now , and I need to ZZZ soon.
My regime works pretty ok...I went down from 62kg to 58.5 in 3 weeks.
Sleep, has many beneficials to one's body. Deprived and lacking of it bring dire and bad consequences to your overall health. I used to clock only 5 hours of sleep daily. And it turns out,
I need more coffee during the day.
I have aching muscles.
My health report is not good.
I goto work late.
My mind can't think properly.
I make silly decisions and mistakes.
Sleep is a new science that scientist are discovering its benefits. When you sleep, your body subconciously begins to excretes toxins and unwanted fats from your body.
Whats the difference sleeping early and waking up vs sleeping late and waking up late ? Well, the idea is to be regular. once you regularly practices a sleeping pattern, the body learns to adjust it.
Its 1:28am now , and I need to ZZZ soon.
My regime works pretty ok...I went down from 62kg to 58.5 in 3 weeks.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Steady..hiphop from Muar (uncensored)
* some profanities in hokkien included. Uncensored.
Was forwarded from my cute cousin...very creatrive and original.
Was forwarded from my cute cousin...very creatrive and original.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

UOB is so kind to send me a limited edition of a new men's magazine Lexean. Its not a typical men's magazine (featuring sexily clad ladies, how to score tips, etc) but instead it focus on controversial topics, politics and current issues. Some might find it boring but I find it quite mind stimulating.
Well, one of the articles says nowadays we don't carry conversations anymore. Coincidentally, I was chatting with Carbee on the similar issue the other day, we felt the same. All this we observe in Asian context.
Conversation = The use of speech for informal exchange of views or ideas or information etc. (from my trusty WordWeb)
People harly hold a conversation anymore. It's been replaced chat, sms, and emails. There is no visual interaction at all, except you may want to argue Video conferencing, fine.
When people open their mouth, it only last 5 minutes maybe. and its usually to relay something urgent or cursing or complaining or gossiping. When I called a person, the person usualy ask me what I want ? People can't call someone nowdays without a ulterior motive or a favor to ask.
The problem with sms, chats and email is that its missing the body language. I'll miss reading cues from your body language and the tone of the voice how you respond to my remark. And that always creates misunderstanding between my friends in online chats and smses.
And the other thing thats becoming lesser, is that people taking time to sit down and chat over current issues, discussing topics of interests, generating new ideas, sharing experiences with each other. We do that when we are young, and then we become busier and grow lesser. I find this is very true in cities.
My new rule, msn, chats, sms only for urgent relays of information. Of cos, I am guilty of it sometimes. Conversations should take place in a coffee place or quiet pub.
Renaissance begins because men started thinking, talking and telling.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Chap Goh Mei

Chap Goh Mei - hokkien means , the fifteen night. Its celebrated pre dominantly in South East Asia.
It marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebration. Other parts of the world celebrate it as Shang Yuan or Lantern Festivals. Kuang Ming Deng, you write your wishes on the lantern and then send them off to the air.
A few years ago, I got to know its also known as the Chinese Valentine's day. So if you miss the ang mor one, you can always say " we chinese ma, only celebrate chinese valentine's day", you might get away with it.
Originated from Penang,
Its a custom for unmarried ( hiao ) ladies will toss mandarin oranges over the bridge and the men will wait under the bridge and try to catch them. I thought we are taught not to waste food !!!
Well, I never wait under the bridge before. And I haven't heard that they are still practising it today or not.
However, this throwing of oranges is unheard in Singapore. Probably, you'll get fine littering if you start to throw mandarin oranges. Nevertheless, they celebrated it by putting ducks into the river. The next day , they might have the migrant workers to come and clear it then.
Anyways, just a rant, Happy Chap Goh Meh !!!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
White Lies
BeerBrat says he resolutes not to lie this year...
which makes me wonder...
isit possible for a person not to tell lies ?
What is a lie ?
My trusty wordweb dictionary defines it as "A statement that deviates from or perverts the truth"
Pretty straightforward, but does hiding the truth perceived as lying as well ?
So, if you know that your nice boss is responsible shady under table bribery in your company, would you whistle blow and tell your superior or will you keep mum about it ? does that constitute a lie ?
I think most ... really.. most of my peers who underwent Moral studies in secondary school lied in their exams. We have a joke that the ones who scores the highest are the school biggest liars. Human are born flawless and will be flawed as they aged. Deceit, corruption, necessary evil are the building blocks of our society now.
Like House says, everyone lies. a better life will be how good you lie. Its difficult, so I will always ask my friends not to lie because a chinese saying goes, it takes another thousand lies to cover one lie.
Beer Brat says...not to lie does not mean he has to answer every damn question right ?
which makes me wonder...
isit possible for a person not to tell lies ?
What is a lie ?
My trusty wordweb dictionary defines it as "A statement that deviates from or perverts the truth"
Pretty straightforward, but does hiding the truth perceived as lying as well ?
So, if you know that your nice boss is responsible shady under table bribery in your company, would you whistle blow and tell your superior or will you keep mum about it ? does that constitute a lie ?
I think most ... really.. most of my peers who underwent Moral studies in secondary school lied in their exams. We have a joke that the ones who scores the highest are the school biggest liars. Human are born flawless and will be flawed as they aged. Deceit, corruption, necessary evil are the building blocks of our society now.
Like House says, everyone lies. a better life will be how good you lie. Its difficult, so I will always ask my friends not to lie because a chinese saying goes, it takes another thousand lies to cover one lie.
Beer Brat says...not to lie does not mean he has to answer every damn question right ?
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