UOB is so kind to send me a limited edition of a new men's magazine Lexean. Its not a typical men's magazine (featuring sexily clad ladies, how to score tips, etc) but instead it focus on controversial topics, politics and current issues. Some might find it boring but I find it quite mind stimulating.
Well, one of the articles says nowadays we don't carry conversations anymore. Coincidentally, I was chatting with Carbee on the similar issue the other day, we felt the same. All this we observe in Asian context.
Conversation = The use of speech for informal exchange of views or ideas or information etc. (from my trusty WordWeb)
People harly hold a conversation anymore. It's been replaced chat, sms, and emails. There is no visual interaction at all, except you may want to argue Video conferencing, fine.
When people open their mouth, it only last 5 minutes maybe. and its usually to relay something urgent or cursing or complaining or gossiping. When I called a person, the person usualy ask me what I want ? People can't call someone nowdays without a ulterior motive or a favor to ask.
The problem with sms, chats and email is that its missing the body language. I'll miss reading cues from your body language and the tone of the voice how you respond to my remark. And that always creates misunderstanding between my friends in online chats and smses.
And the other thing thats becoming lesser, is that people taking time to sit down and chat over current issues, discussing topics of interests, generating new ideas, sharing experiences with each other. We do that when we are young, and then we become busier and grow lesser. I find this is very true in cities.
My new rule, msn, chats, sms only for urgent relays of information. Of cos, I am guilty of it sometimes. Conversations should take place in a coffee place or quiet pub.
Renaissance begins because men started thinking, talking and telling.
i'm getting to hate msn, no... im not.
i miss the days when i had my hot latte at coffee place with frens, and we chat till the coffee turn chill...
sometimes when things tend to be too convenient for us, we will miss out some fun part along the journey...
peeples from some advanced country are now willing to queue for bills paying, even though they can just easily get it done by a click away... wat they want are simply the human's touch and warm smiling face. not the monitor screen and cold mouse.
but, you are always smiling at your computer screen.
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