Miss JB Die Hard respond to my Elevator post, do you notice that people keep staring at the LED display that changes everytime it ascend or descend at the level you are at.
What do you do when you enter a elevator ?
A. Look at the people around you.
it will be rude. but I will if there is chio bu.
B. Look at the elevator walls (usually mirrors) and adjust whatever you are wearing.
I notice this in CBDs, and in Hong Kong. gosh, people are so vain.
C. Look at the LED display.
Usually happens here, like its like who gets out first of the elevator gets a price.
D. Start sharing your personal stories to your friend with so many uninvited eavesdropper.
Occasionally I encounter this as well.
However, What would you do if you FART silently in the elevator ? Are the the first one to pinch your nose and shake head?
for me i stare at the LED screen on the lift panel, they have date and time(to make sure im on time for work :P)... and some one liner thingy... on the panel too...
yesterday the lift was so crowded during lunch time, this bunch of siao jar boh takin photo with their mobile phone inside the lift.
I heard that ladies dun fart.. even if they do they seem to have the natural talent to control the purging that gas. Guess what the guys are always the one to be blamed.
I either stare at the LED or the floor...
I like to fart when i leave the lift. Warn you, long fart somemore.. Wahahahahahaha.... but usually it's when the lift is empty lah. Wonder who will be my first victim. kakaka.. but cannot do this in the office lift lah. Then people will SURELY know it's me who farted and they'll recognise me............ :p
i hardly fart, i burp... inside the lift :P
One should write, 10 things to do in a elevator.
As far as farting and burping goes, when it have to go, it got to go. You got to have awesome rectum muscles to control that.
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