Sunday, May 27, 2007

Why does people bluff themselves ?

I was on the train heading to the meet up place for work.

The appointment is 8am which they leave on time. So I was like two train stops away, and I stole a glance at a guy's watch. Its 8:05am. I was shocked, because I thought I was early. I boarded a train stop away at 7:45am.

I checked the time on my phone...gosh...phew...its only 7:50am.

I have know a few people who do that. Thats " adjusting their time ahead by 5 to 10 minutes". They claim they can "shock"/bluff themselves to be on-time or earlier. And people are still late, especially here in Malaysia and Singapore, that applies to yours truly as well. :). Worse still, its a domino effect.

Why do people bluff themselves ? Didn't they are aware that they already adjust the time ahead? Or did they adjust the time and then just magically delete off that part of memory in their brain.

1 comment:

SoupLad said...

same here.. I cannot understand this.

On contrary, I am tempted to adjust my watch back 15 or 20 if I was ever late.. I can blame it on my watch..... Nice try huh?