Was watching Boston Legal late last night. Funny, sacarstic and intelligent. Overall its entertaining and it shows lawyers can talk the dead into living. Same fella who produce the popular Ally McBeal, Boston Public and etc.
I only managed to catch a few episodes , its humor with a twist. Here an excerpt from yesterday's episode where Schmidt argue that the Little Jimmies snack was causing Mr Mickel's diabetic condition. It happen when erractic partner Poole decides to sue someone and chose Lil Jimmies Snack for Mr Mickel's condition. Whats interesting is Schmidt has only one night to prepare for the opening trial.
Also, it reminds me of the conversation souplad and I had on we should put health warning labels on unhealthy food like they have on ciggarettes.
Enjoy ..
Vivian Marino: No doctor or medical professional has ever linked his diabetes to Lil’ Jimmies Snack Cakes.
And even if they could, so what? All the information Mr Mickel needed to make his informed dietary decision
was right there on the label. My God! When are people going to start taking responsibility? This man snorted
down three boxes a day, not to mention the soft drinks, the potato chips. The only exercise he got was
reaching for the cookie jar. And he wants to blame us? Then what? We outlaw desserts altogether. We
criminalize the cupcake because people cannot be expected to eat in moderation. It’s ridiculous. Mr Mickel
wants to be able to snack and sue. He wants to have his cake and eat it too, and enough is enough. That’s
one word this plaintiff can’t seem to appreciate. To Phil. Enough.
Shirley Schmidt: Reading off the label of a Lil’ Jimmies box. Yellow dye tartrazine, which is a coal tar
derivative. Blue dye triphenylmethane, which is a petroleum-based product. Red dye carminic acid, which is
derived from the carcasses of the cochineal beetle.
Judge Katherine Taylor: I’m sorry. Did you say the cochineal beetle?
Shirley Schmidt: Carcasses. That’s right. Partially hydrogenated vegetable or animal shortening. Which is beef
fat, pork gelatin. Which is made from boiled bones, tendons, and skin of pigs. Ugh. So far, we’re up to motor
oil, bugs, road tar, and pig bones.
Vivian Marino: So far, she hasn’t named a thing that isn’t in the majority of cookies and snack cakes.
Shirley Schmidt: Ha. And isn’t that scary?
Vivian Marino: No, what’s scary is that we’re being singled out.
Shirley Schmidt: Yes, it has us all terrified. May I continue? The Judge nods. Bleached white flour. The
common ingredient used to bleach flour is chloride oxide, the use of which has been linked to the destruction
of the pancreas and a form of type II diabetes. And finally the biggie, high fructose corn syrup. This product
does not metabolize as a normal sugar in the body and it prevents a certain hormone, leptin, from reaching
the brain. This hormone normally sends a signal to the brain that your stomach is full and tells you to stop
eating but, whenever you eat anything with high fructose corn syrup, your brain thinks it’s not full, and so you
keep eating and eating and eating. This product, like many dessert cakes, is addictive and causes diabetes,
and that is what this lawsuit will show. As for defense counsel’s remark that the whole thing is ridiculous… To
Vivian. …is it? The rate of diabetes has increased 80% in the last decade. Nearly 21 million Americans have
diabetes. One in three children will get it in their lifetime. I just want to say that again, one in three children.
These companies are corporate drug dealers. Their products are killing our children.
Vivian Marino: Objection. This is beyond inflammatory.
Shirley Schmidt: Is it? One in three children? You market to children. At least tobacco companies say on the
packages that cigarettes can kill you. Ha. And you have the temerity to accuse my client of not taking
Boston Legal : either on TV, pirated DVD or Originals, reccomended.