Thursday, December 27, 2007
Happy Christine
Happy Slip production presents Happy Slip aka Christine.
Here is a clip from tube which has 3.5 million views.
And she has her own website which host her clips and about herself.
I just adore her...
Ai Swee, Mai Miah
It's a bit exaggerating to say you have to sacrifice your life, but it's painful.
Facials might be a female thingy in the past, but nowadays, many man does it as well. Why ? , Ai swee lor. I went through some before but this is the first time i blog about it.
Everything is nice, except the Extraction. Even the word is scary. It's part of the process where they extract your blackheads from your face. Guys, no matter how macho you are, you got to know what your girlfriend gone through.
Its painful. And if you did not clean your face diligently, the more blackheads she has to extract, the longer you have to bear the ordeal.
Girls who goes for facial, i salute you.
I ask the theraphist whether does guy complain of the pain, she says..mostly will say "no pain" but can see their tear shed from eye. ha ha ha.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Something about SHIT
I recalled my post on the origin of SHIT... found here.
Well..let me tell you how to find out how much SHIT you have.
1. Before you shit, weigh yourself. Record the reading as X
2. Then, you pass motion.
3. Weigh yourself again. Record the reading as Y
4. Your shit = X - Y.
It should be X > Y, if its X < Y, please don't tell me what you do.
I know i am full of shit, last time i did that after a buffet the previous night, its 1 shit.
So, don't stuff yourself too much this christmas...otherwise it gonna be shitty.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
No more Christmas Blend

21st Dec (Singapore) - The very popular Christmas Blend ran out in almost every Starbucks outlet in Singapore. Starbucks always blend one of its finest coffee a month or so before Christmas to usher in the Christmas Cheer. This year, the ever popular Christmas blend is getting more popular, and now it's not available in major outlets. They have replaced it with Sumatra, which they think its similar, but its not. Starbucks spokesperson wasn't available to comment. According to the barista, I might be lucky to find them if I go to those remote outlets which might still have stock. who knows where it is still available. let me know. I buy you coffee?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
How wellyou know me ?
Babymango, friend of mine ask me to take this true friend test. I took and score the same as her two sisters...pretty good score...60%. hahaha, guess that makes me family.
Anyways, here is my test.

Create your own Friend Test here
Take and let me know
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Now, like a google page, you can customize your favorite transactions into the main page. I think thats pretty cool, and will possibly shorten ATM queues.
Kudos to them.
At last and not least, it dispenses word of wisdom , the one I got all the time, is
"Education is the best provision for your journey to old age" Aristotle.
But then I think it would be better to have 4 D or TOTO number generated everytime you transact.
Monday, December 10, 2007
An Unsung Hero
He was swept away by raging waves after rescuing a korean lady tourist whom he hardly knew at Honeymoon Bay, Moreton Island. He is only 25, studying in the University of Queensland.
How many of us will do that, ignoring our safety, and putting other people's life ahead of ours, with a slim chance of surviving.
I will still hope for a miracle to happen. I will pray after a long time.
Kerk Zi On, you are a hero.
More news can be found here.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
One Fine Wire - Colbie Cailat

Most of us are Tight Rope Walker, walking on one fine wire. We are balancing many issues/relationships/matters in life.
Colbie's song illustrate that very much. Its a nice song, and lyrics below.
I try so many times
but it's not taking me
and it seems so long ago
that I used to believe
and I'm so lost inside of my head
and crazy
but I cant get out of it
I'm just stumbling
And I'm juggling all the thoughts in my head
I'm juggling and my fears on fire
but I'm listening as it evolves in my head
I'm balancing on one fine wire
And I remember the time my balance was fine
and I was just walking on one fine wire
I remember the time my balance was fine
and I was just walking on one fine wire
but It's frayed at both the ends
and I'm slow unraveling
Life plays so many games inside of me
and I've had some distant cries, following
and their entwined between the night and sun beams
I wish I were free from this pain in me
And I'm juggling all the thoughts in my head
I'm juggling and my fears on fire
but I'm listening as it evolves in my head
I'm balancing on one fine wire
And I remember the time my balance was fine
and I was just walking on one fine wire
I remember the time my balance was fine
and I was just walking on one fine wire
but it's frayed at both the ends
and I'm slow unraveling
And I'm juggling all the thoughts in my head
I'm juggling and my fears on fire
but I'm listening as it evolves in my head
I'm balancing on one fine wire....
Friday, November 30, 2007

Last night I play mahjong , Singapore style...and 4 rounds ...never win a game. So difficult to hu (complete) , with rules different from Malaysian style which has more of the luck element and it has the fei.
But, I 300, never say die. I will 发 愤 图 强, shit , then paste the wall.
Singaporean I come.
What's different..
The eye is a dragon or your wind, if you got ping hu cannot count as ping hu.
they don't play li ku li ku. (double tiled)
they don't play heavenly gate , (1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,9,9)
No flower , is not pao.
if you ka long, cannot ping hu..i think this is the same.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Buy Tissue
Some will decline, but most will buy seeing an old lady or anold man peddling it. Some will even, beg pitifully to ask you to help after you decline the first time.n
However, today I encounter a new one, when I was lunching with my colleagues. A young man, dress shabbily in a t-shirt, with short pull up high, tucked in approach my lady colleague...showed her 4 packets of tissue.
"小 姐 , 帮 我 买 面 纸 , 4 包 2 块, 我 是 神 经 病 的 !"
"Lady, help me buy 4 packets of tissue for 2 dollars , I am a lunatic"
We politely refused, and he left to the next table.
2 dollars for 4, I think we are shen jing ping to buy.
and he does not look shen jing ping lor.

I've been amazoned. Advocated by my good friend , the deranged cow, the loyalist to the Amazon jungle. He likes that jungle.
Truth is I'm trying to get a book which wasn't available in the book stores. This book which missey sauvignon b swore by to be the most accurate predictions ever.

Call me superticious, I think most of us are, to a certain extent. These meta physics intrigue me. I don't believe them until I run throught a number of test cases. And this proven to be the far most accurate so far, at least 80%.
I am now anxiously awating my maiden purchase shipped, now thanking missey sauvignon b and the COW.
They emailed me saying its already shipped...:)
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Fairy you believe ?
I caught Enchanted last weekend, it's really entertaining, well another feel good movie. Some of my friends are facing problems, sadness, unhappiness, harsh reality to really truly believe there is such thing as happily ever after.

Carrie is right to say it would only exist if you believe. thats the "Secret". Much mumbo jumbo the book has but it works. You are what you believe. Dalai Lama believes true happiness only has two pillars, compassion and altrusim. I would like to add though, cause it does not ends there. To be happy, a person needs to look ahead and be positive. Do not let unhappy events or bad emotions hold you back, spiralling down to dark limbo.
How to do that when your problems does not end ? take time off and do things that makes you happy. Many would say "easier said than that"...Definitely hard. But do got nothing to lose.
Secret is the Law of Attraction. You attracts what is constantly in your thoughts.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Hartal ...
There is this video from Fahmireza, regarding the biggest strike in Malaya history. It occurs 10 years before our country's independance. Even so how unfortunate they did not succeed, but Its still something I am really proud about that for the first time, a multi racial country stand united against Colonist. Here's the link, right click on it and then click as..
10 years before Independance
The following is the trailer.
ITs really unfortunate that they are rounded up as political prisoners. Our country would be different.
This time, Malaysia really boleh.
I wish I can join the demo on the Nov 30th. Those in KL, please be there at Dataran Merdeka to show support "Freedom for one and Freedom for all".
For democracy to work, freedom of information must be available to all. A misinformed vote is a unfair vote.
Can't help to think we are still being colonized our own.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
My skeptics
I draw from life , two pessimist beliefs.
"Everybody lies" ( i got it from House)
"Everyone is incentive driven" (got it from reading Freakanomics)
This is what has been shaping our world. Of cos, there might be some exceptions which are rare. Sad to say, our world really needs a Noah and a great flood.
I have seen many behavioral example to prove those. Humans tend to lie more to get away, and most of our actions are chose to be beneficial to us be it tangible or intangible.
Only a way to to achieve true happiness, i think one must stick by ignorance.
"ignorance is bliss" is indeed true.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Aged, greacefull not greasefully
I can't eat much fatty pork like I can some time ago.
I can't partied every weekend like I can some time ago.
I can't go on sleep less nights like I can some time ago.
I can't be a jackass like I would some time ago.
I started aching sitting too long in front of PC.
I have high levels of cholesterol.
I have backache. I age, I hope to
become wiser
gain a close circle of friends
become healthier
become financially stable
spend wisely
invest soundly
see more of the world
mission : to create a recipe for " Aging gracefully for dummies "
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Another song for my wedding ??? i think..
and the lyrics...
Since I still appreciate you,
Let's find love while we may.
Because I know I'll hate you
When you are old and gray.
So say you love me here and now,
I'll make the most of that.
Say you love and trust me,
For I know you'll disgust me
When you're old and getting fat.
An awful debility,
A lessened utility,
A loss of mobility
Is a strong possibility.
In all probability
I'll lose my virility
And you your fertility
And desirability,
And this liability
Of total sterility
Will lead to hostility
And a sense of futility,
So let's act with agility
While we still have facility,
For we'll soon reach senility
And lose the ability.
Your teeth will start to go, dear,
Your waist will start to spread.
In twenty years or so, dear,
I'll wish that you were dead.
I'll never love you then at all
The way I do today.
So please remember,
When I leave in December,
I told you so in May.
more to come..pure genius
Song for my wedding..i think ??
and the em
And now to the love song. I'm sure you're familiar with love songs on the order of He's Just My Bill, my man, my Joe, my Max, and so on where the girl who sings them tells you that, although the man she loves is anti-social, alcoholic, physically repulsive, or just plain unsanitary, nevertheless she is his because he is hers, or something like that. But as far as I know there has never been a popular song from the analogous male point of view, that is to say, of a man who finds himself in love with, or in this case married to, a girl who has nothing whatsoever to recommend her. I have attempted to fill this need. The song is called She's My Girl.
Sharks gotta swim, and bats gotta fly,
I gotta love one woman till I die.
To Ed or Dick or Bob
She may be just a slob,
But to me, well,
She's my girl.
In winter the bedroom is one large ice cube,
And she squeezes the toothpaste from the middle of the tube.
Her hairs in the sink
Have driven me to drink,
But she's my girl, she's my girl, she's my girl,
And I love her.
The girl that I lament for,
The girl my money's spent for,
The girl my back is bent for,
The girl I owe the rent for,
The girl I gave up Lent for
Is the girl that heaven meant for me.
So though for breakfast she makes coffee that tastes like shampoo,
I come home for dinner and get peanut butter stew,
Or if I'm in luck,
It's broiled hockey puck,
But, oh well, what the hell,
She's my girl,
And I love her.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Enblocs creates a property scare, where the basic supply and demand theory applies.
Supply becomes lesser, demand increases, thus elevate the price of the property be it rental or purchase.
Its also create a fear amongst those non-property owners. The fear of no place to stay, so its creates a dog beat dog scenario where the richer you are, you will try to bid higher for a place you want leaving the poorer souls behind.
Ya, goverment says everything is under controlled, there are many flats available. Sure...they are all in sub-urbia country. Places we worked, study are all centralised. They plan it that way. As a result, the poorer folks have to travel further, pay more for transportation to get to place they want. Not to mention the price increase in transportation.
Well, everyone is for himself. The rich wanna get richer, while the poor tries to make a living. This is a cynical world we are living in.
As for, I got to move to more sub-urbia, away from the my current sub-urbia. Cos everytime I mention where I stay, people gasped and say " far".
Well, my tarot and numerology readings is asking me to take a breather and be a hermit to reflect on life. Maybe I will do just that. Zen-ning..
Saturday, September 15, 2007
2.0 ...
Got to keep up. Everything is 2.0 now or changing. From macroeconomies to tiny microchips, everything in the world is constantly changing.
from the days of microsoft DOS to Todays Vista.
from walkman to MP3 players.
from a Communist backward closed country to one of the fastest growing Super economy.
harddisk as big as dinner plates now is as small as a 50 cents coin.
all these happened since I was born.
However, myself..version 1.0 garnered some achievements to roll out version 1.7.
Life is now getting a bit bored, and I am getting complacent.
Before that, I was..
lacking of direction
losing focus
living a nocturnal lifestyle
eating furiously
So, I decided to change.
lose weight
manage my health
focus on life priorities
different job scope
eat proper
I am delighted , I am happy to say I am achieving 2.0.
*System need to be reboot to complete installation
The Good, The Bad and the Naughty
Out from the womb, everyone would say that babies are pure, and innocent. Guess I am.
Whats the ideal balance , I always wonder. The naughtiness in me keeps asking for more allocation while the good is resisting and the bad is slowing edging up the pie.
In my world, there is no 100% do-gooder. Everyone to me is almost incentive driven, be it tangible or intangible.
Whats your ideal balance?
Friday, September 14, 2007
Is it Racism....ketuanan Melayu
Racism..a big troubling issue that have taunted us since the earlist of the existence of humankind (homo-sapiens).
Apart from religion, I can safely proclaim its the next cause of war.
I am not sure I am a racist or not. I do feel uncomfortable with certain races and sometimes loathe them because of their differences in thinking, dressing, smell, lifestyle. Having said that, aren't we all. However, being humane, we ought to be more tolerant and understanding.
BUT ...I don't think I am racist. I might make fun of their certain uniqueness, enjoyed comedians like Russel Peters, Carlos Mencia, etc...making jokes about races, but I don't think neither I nor them are racist. We just simply laughed about our own differences and be light-hearted about it.
Thats what makes us as humans special and colourful...variety.
Carlos Mencia said something that I got agree. Racist are people who thinks their race is more superior than others. These are the oppressors, the sparks of conflicts, slavemasters, marginalizers...etc. So, Let me tell those who in Malaysia who advocates "ketuanan melayu" (Malay Supremacy), you are racist. Again, I am not against Malay race. I have Malay friends and liked their qualities. Race just differentiated us culturally, behaviourally, mentally and our character. Not because your race have the first sultanate, one is entitled to supremacy forever. It doesn't make sense. Leaders should earn respect from the people through their qualities, not by rights and certainly not by race.
Practising democracy...who are you voting for ? Most people do not know the impact of their votes. Heck..most people who do not know what are their rights. Don't they know the law is to protect the Rich...errmm..yeah..only the rich can afford their rights to be protected.
Marginalized Malaysians should ask themselves, what has the country provided for you ? Is there a future you stay in this country ? Will you want your kids to be educated here ?
Our fathers have provided much for the country. We pay the same taxes and sometimes more. We contribute similarly to the economy. why are we marginalized ? 50 years already, don't you think we are here to stay and be the same.
and I quote someone "I'm a Malaysian, born smart ,but education ruined me."
Friday, August 24, 2007
Bangkok Tonight
1. The A-go-go bars.
These are bars for pick up young nubile girls. They are found in some places in bangkok, namely Asok, Nana, the infamous patpong, and etc. These clubs have many young girls dressed scantily on stage , trying very hard to shake their booty. Mainly these are targetting Farangs ( foreigners ) mainly the causasians. However, one must beware, it may get very expensive if one is not careful.
2. Hi-so (Hi Society) Clubs
Trendy, Chic and Modern Clubs cater to the upper class and rich people. You get to see lots of rich professionals, models and modelizers. Steeper prices, but nevertheless, good crowd and music.
Bed Supper club, Q bar,Slim are a few popular ones.
3. Local Clubs/Pubs
Fun, affordable prices, good local music, Live local bands, cute girls. All the ingredients to a good night out. Local Thai music is good, I'm just short of understanding what they are singing. Santika, Booze, Escubo , and etc.
4. Pick up joints.
Places where one lonely man wants to pick up a girl. Besides agogo bars, there some clubs where girls hang around for guys to pick up. Spasso, Hard Rock Cafe and CM2 are a few.
5. Gay clubs. (Not for Homo phobics)
Many many cute guys, lively, good house music, great tranny shows, but not for homo-phobics. Most of them are located at Silom. Silom is a gay friendly area. DJ station is a most popular one now. The rest are within the vicinity.
There is my quick cap of the nightlife in Bangkok. There are many many more , yet to be discover. After clubbing, I have tried supper at supposedly the famous chicken rice in Pratunam. hmm..singapore chicky rice still taste nicer.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Still stranded the land of smiles
Friends back home asked...
"got go massage or not"
"so nice, got eat nice food or not"
"got go shopping or not, buy me this that..."
"got party or not"
Sigh...14 hours including shuttling between factory and hotel, where got time. Meals are either quick hotel food or factory rations.
Got to extend another week to go, and got to find new clothes and underwear this Sunday. Probably can slot in a massage.
Chok me.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Booze Ban
Going on 3 weeks , 2 more weeks to go. I did curi-curi a couple of Gin Tonics though.
What's happening is i'm on a liver re-conditioning thingy, instructed by my chinese sinseh. So to improve my well-being, I got to take some of his medicine and restrict some foodie that I used to eat. Beer and Wine included. Food, will be nuts, cheese, kang kong, sotong, etc, all these are deem tax-ing or cooling to the liver.
What mumbo-jumbo, Ah Siang thinking ?
Well, this sinseh comes highly recommend with a good track record. His patients, range from liver-illed patients to lupus patients. i heard some SGH doctors recommend their patients to see him too. A good time to stop my addiction too.
Give it a try, I figure. Maybe he can help with my cholesterol problem. :).
However, life is boring without alcohol. Its like watching TV without sound. I need to fill the void....argghh.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
What Happen to Spider Pig ?

I caught many movies these few months, cos I wasn't getting any DVDs anymore. Harry Potter, Ocean 11, Transformer , and...ta da.. Simpsons.
I went with a a bigger kid and was watching it surrounded by little kids. It turns out the Bigger kid's laughter drown the little kids's laughter. Overall it was funny, but I don't think its suitable for kids, well at least kids from my generation.
However a question arises after the movie, What happen to Spider Pig ? It seems they cut a scene at the end of the movie which has a love scene of the spider pig with another swine. I guess that would put the film rating R(A) or M18.
Click the following for answers..
Notice my picture up there...thats me..simpsonize.
You can simpsonize yourself
Mr World
And TV choose to show Mr World.
Finally , the women and gays gets what they want. Pageant has been traditionally predominantly feature beautiful women. Now, Mr World potray cute guys, hunky dory males. Mr Singapore was there too, but I think Tay Ping Hui looks better.
Men are getting more vain. Men spas, facials, slimming center, shaping center, etc have been sprouting up like mushrooms. Myself goes for facial and have been told, many uncles (men aged 40 and above) are their regulars as well.
I guess, more men are beginning to go metrosexual.
I won't be surprised if in the future men will have more shoes and bags more than a women.
And..finally, my pick, Mr. Spain won Mr. World.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Shiny Happy People
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I used to drive in Malaysia, almost everyone drives in MAlaysia. Its a typical thing to get your license at the age of 17, the legal age to drive. Aside the "kopi lui" , I'm pretty ok with driving.
Driving in Singapore is slightly a different experience. The country may be small, but it sure have a lot of traffic lights. It doesn't make sense to have a high CC car here, unless you want to flaunt and if you goto Malaysia to drive faster. Whatever car you have, be it a BMW, Mercedes or the cute little QQ, you got to stop at the traffic light.
People are law-abiding causing un-expected brakes. Why ? Because of the speed limit of 90 kph, everyone tries to keep it at 90 - 110. When they see the sign , Camera Zone, they brake to reduce speed to 88- 90 on a freeway. Thats so dangerous, cause it cause a domino braking effect the cars behind and if one is not looking, panic brakes, accidents. The speed limit is too slow on the freeway.And I always wonder, does the camera always have film inside? Well, I do not know if I have incur any speeding fines.
Parking. The lack of parking space probably explains why they are expensive and there is almost no such thing as free parking. Everywhere you want to park your car, you pay, except IMM and your friend's condo. And notice everyone reverse park. Its a Singapore thingy I guess.
Kiasuism. People don't give way. Elsewhere at least in Malaysia ,its ok to let one or two cars that politely signal to cut in. Its not the case in Singapore. Well, only the gutsy survive here.
Honking. its a South East Asian incld China phenomenon, not just here. I think everyone who drove before in other countries, people are courteous , there is hardly honking. They honk only in case of danger. Here, people honk at anything. You cut it, they honk, hesistate a bit at the green light, they honk, slow a bit, they honk.
Signal to change lanes. Well, people been telling me singaporeans don't signal when changing lanes. Well, they do. ITs not 100% but 50% do.
Anyways, why don't own a car then..
1. A good car technically can last for more than 10 years but the value of the car in Singapore depreciates faster than me balding.
2. Driving cost. Besides the car installment, parking, ERP, insurance, tax , and unforeseen expenses can take a toll on you. And not to mention fines.
3. Bus, trains and taxis are convinient if you know and plan your timing well.
Probably will get a car when I need it.
Bus ride
Many discriminating thoughts rushed through my mind awaiting quick decisions...
" Should I sit beside the cute girl or the fat guy?, but if I sit next to her, she will think i am a pervert, but i would not have much space with the fat guy.
" I should not sit near that smelly dude, I think I will stand."
However, its interesting to also see who will sit next to you when there are a few vacant seats.
" *grin, lets hope a sexy nice smelling girl will sit next to me "
Perhaps I am weird, not sure other people have so much thoughts. Probably simple minded people would just sit anywhere thats the nearest.
I notice some unwritten rules.
1. The bus seat facing backwards, is always the last place to be taken up or sometimes vacant and passengers prefer to stand. Perhaps they feel uneasy facing the rest of passengers. Or, they have a big zit and do not want people to stare at them.
2. Girls will always choose to sit with girls and guys will always sit with guys. Maybe girls think most guys are pervert and guys don't girls to think they are pervert. I personally, would like to sit next a pretty girl.
3. Aunties, post-ladies with NTUC plastic know whom i meant don't care as long there are seats.
4. Perhaps there is a little hint of racism in us too. We will prefer to seat with our own race.
5. When someone seated on the aisle seat and leave the window seat vacant, he/she is saying..I prefer you not to sit next to me...leave me alone. More obviously, if he/she puts his/her bag there, meaning "don't you understand my body language, leave me alone"
Nevertheless, sometimes bud rides coupled with a train rides are more efficient than having a car. Sometimes only...
Maybe I will tell you why you should not have a car in Singapore.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
I like to booze under the Moon
You are The Moon
Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.
The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Friday, July 13, 2007

I was browsing through Kinokuniya one fine day and there this particular self help book that caught my eye.
SUMO ...not the really fat Japanese wrestler, but a acronym for
Shut Up and Move On.
I don't know what's between those pages and not in need of any self help books. Well, simply, I think its good to have that in life. Life is too short to wallow, and to feel sorry. Maybe a bit, then SUMO it.
As it is always true, its easy to tell people but when it happens to you, its always different.
Its the same. Its always , I quote Dr House who quote Elisabeth Kubler Ross,
the 5 stages..of grief.
Denial...Anger...Bargaining...Depression...and finally Acceptance.
ah well...a friend always tells me, everything will be alright in the end which is accidentally wise.
This for my friend...SUMO it quick.
Since emotional grief is a reaction of biological chemicals, some pharmaceutical company should create a instant SUMO pill.
Sad, pop a Happy pill.
err...sounds too druggy.
Oh well...
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
One of his remarks is that I have becoming more Singaporean, which I wonder why he said that. Apparently most Singaporeans have the habit or the traits to talk like
"Actuariiii.......blah blah blah"
"Basicalliiiii.....blah blah blah."
Well, myself was not excuse of this boring engrish. Got to improve. Oh ya, learning Thai is fun.
You get better prices when you speak fluent Thai and you look like one. They got local Thai prices and Farang(ang mor) prices. We are the chinese farangs.
Kap Khun Krub...
Monday, June 18, 2007
How to retrieve your luggage after you've check in
Lets say , you have checked in your luggage at Changi airport, and lets say you left your passport or you packed something in there that you want to take it out.
First of all, you got to go back to the check in counter and request for a retrieval. They will try to discourage you by telling you its 40 - 45 minutes long. In reality, it takes 15 - 20 minutes.
They will give you a slip, and then you have to go to the police post to get a police report.
Then, together with the police report, then only you goto the Lost and Found department. And there, you will retrieve your luggage.
Then after you get your stuff, you check it back in again.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
PR Revoked ; then Renewed
My re-entry permit expired one day before I was to leave for Bangkok. And I didn't know until I was casually flipping through the pages of my passport on the way to the Airport. I was famous to blunder on small matters that people don't think it will happen to them, like the time i forgot my passport at the immigration checkpoint.
Anyways, I panicked. my flight is 2 hours away and the rest of flights were all fully booked. And I can't wait for tomorrow. So I tried calling a few friends including the Beer Kaki, but none of them is unsure what are the consequences. HEnce I approach the Immigration.
So, this is what will happen.
1. Your PR will be revoked once you exit Singapore without a valid re-entry permit. PR-ship does not expired but re-entry permit does.
2. Upon arrival back in Singapore, you are considered a visitor which you have the number of days stays limited accordance to your citizenship. Malaysian have 14 days.
3. You may re-apply for your PR ship back but its subject to approval case to case basis, and you have to bring all the relevant documents as stated by BeerBrat's post.
4. A $50 sgd fine will be imposed upon approval.
5. You are required to fill in a form to indicate you understand the above conditions.
Knowing my consequences, I still exit the country and got my PR and re-entry permit renewed when I got back. It just takes a little bit longer than BeerBrat's experience. They need to get some officer to review my case before they approve. I heard some are required to attend a interview. Guess I am just lucky.
So to my PR friends, remember to renew your Re-Entry Permit, not everyone is as lucky as me hor...
Another friendly community service brought to you by AhSiang.
Next...How to retrieve a check-in luggage in the Airport ?

Interestingly, one of my frequent blogs, I came across this post bout SHIT.
read on..
Manure... A True Story
Manure: In the 16th and 17th centuries, everything had to be transported by ship and it was also before commercial fertilizer's invention, so large shipments of manure were common.
It was shipped dry, because in dry form it weighed a lot less than when wet, but once eater (at sea) hit it, not only did it became heavier but the process of fermentation began again, of which a by product is methane gas. As the stuff was stored below decks in bundles, you can see what could (and did) happen.
Methane began to build up below decks and the first time someone came below at night with a lantern, BOOOOM! Several ships were destroyed in this manner before it was determined just what was happening!
After that, the bundle of manure were always stamped with the term "Ship High In Transport" on them, which meant for the sailors to stow it high enough off the lower decks so that any water that came into the hold would not touch this volatile cargo and start the production of methane.
Thus evolved the term "S.H.I.T", (Ship High In Transport) which has come down through the centuries and is in use to this very day. You probably did not know the true history of this word.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
e.g , i.e
It trickles my curiosity bone, so I googled it up.
e.g. = exempli gratia ( Latin , ya..see the italic..they always use italic for Latin)
i.e. = id est ( also Latin) curiosity expands..
B.C. is before Christ....A.D. ? its anno domino means the Year of the Lord. B.C.E. ( Before Common Era ) and C.E. ( Common Era ) meant the same respectively.
a.m. means ante meridien (before noon) and p.m. means post meridien ( after noon )
feeling satisfaction to know what has been abbrevating out daily usage of words.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Remember the Name
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Dad's Fashion
Ever wonder why most fathers' attire are always so old fashion. They may be fashionable during their time or happening, but once they reach fatherhood, somehow the fashion stops there. So they clothed themselves the same style when you or your brother were borned. Quite true , ain it.
I just love how Seinfeld see's things.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Good Samaritan
Alas, I was down on my luck that day, as it was raining. I got to get into office real soon because I have a teleconference.
I decided to dash across once the green man starts to light. A lady, in her 30s, walk to my side , and offer me to walk alongside with her with her umbrella.
I was surprised. Never did it occur to me such nice gesture, esspecially during rush hours. Sheepishly I told her, its ok, and I am going to dash for it.
However, she insisted, telling me its raining quite heavily. Alas, I took her offer and alongside as I cross the road, I was shield by the rain.
I felt happy that there is such kind gesture. A stranger that you do not know offering help.
NEvertheless, it turns out she is working in another building, and I thank her after that and dash off into the rain again into another shelter. I was a little wet but still glad.
I hope whoever she is, she is gonna be blessed many times more.
This kind of incident reminds me another contrast picture of Hong Kong where people rudely shoving agressively through with their umbrellas during rainy season.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Elevator 2

Miss JB Die Hard respond to my Elevator post, do you notice that people keep staring at the LED display that changes everytime it ascend or descend at the level you are at.
What do you do when you enter a elevator ?
A. Look at the people around you.
it will be rude. but I will if there is chio bu.
B. Look at the elevator walls (usually mirrors) and adjust whatever you are wearing.
I notice this in CBDs, and in Hong Kong. gosh, people are so vain.
C. Look at the LED display.
Usually happens here, like its like who gets out first of the elevator gets a price.
D. Start sharing your personal stories to your friend with so many uninvited eavesdropper.
Occasionally I encounter this as well.
However, What would you do if you FART silently in the elevator ? Are the the first one to pinch your nose and shake head?
Monday, May 28, 2007

At a kopitiam, my colleague and I were packing breakfast for our trip to the factory later and he asked
Colleague : Whats the heaviest mee on earth ?
I knew its the chian pian kind of questions, so I started thinking ridiculuosly....and in front of me was a noodle stall with the answer.
Myself : Wanton Mee...( One Tonne Mee)
both of us start laughing ...then he asked me again
Colleague : Who is the strongest person on earth ?
This time, I can't answer and i give up.
Colleague : neh...the lady who cooks the wan ton noodle lor
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Why does people bluff themselves ?
The appointment is 8am which they leave on time. So I was like two train stops away, and I stole a glance at a guy's watch. Its 8:05am. I was shocked, because I thought I was early. I boarded a train stop away at 7:45am.
I checked the time on my phone...gosh...phew...its only 7:50am.
I have know a few people who do that. Thats " adjusting their time ahead by 5 to 10 minutes". They claim they can "shock"/bluff themselves to be on-time or earlier. And people are still late, especially here in Malaysia and Singapore, that applies to yours truly as well. :). Worse still, its a domino effect.
Why do people bluff themselves ? Didn't they are aware that they already adjust the time ahead? Or did they adjust the time and then just magically delete off that part of memory in their brain.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Standing Ovation for Pirates
And stay till the end of credits, those who are Orlando Bloom's fans.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I was waiting for the elevator to descend to the ground floor, when a young man came by and waited beside me. The elevator was pretty slow, and sometimes I think its retarded, as it seems to assign you the elevator thats the furthest from your level.
Have you noticed, a lot of people likes to press the same buttons multiple times in quick repetitive motions, as if the faster you press and press, the lift will comes down faster.
Wouldn't it be cool to have such a elevator. What if the elevator's speeds depends on the speed you press the button repetitively.
My observation tells me, this is influenced by movies, when you see someone on a chase, keeps pressing the elevator buttons repetitively. It does shows that you are rushing.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Do you know ?
Singapore ranks 10th.
United states ranks last.
What a irony !!!
Of course , this does not take into account how much we borrowed from World Bank.
Went to Bangkok.
Came back.
This is life...
I remember Windows 95 slogan " What you want to do today ?" ..
I wish life is as easy as clicking the Start button.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Learning Mother Language
I have gained a 1 kg. Damn..its so hard to lose weight, and in a flash, it comes back.
Something new I googled and discovered this amazing podcast web to learn MANDARIN. Its one of my rsolutions.
Its podcast of a Shanghainese and A Canadian learning Mandarin. Its interesting and fun, although its not actually Singaporean Mandarin, its a good start.
Hopefully it help on my learning journey of my MAMA's language.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Qing Ming Rants..
Qing Ming a Chinese festival to honour and pay respect to our ancestors. Burning of incense, joss sticks, paper money ( it looks really real) is a normal sight of this festivies. Richer families will go a more elaborate way by burning paper 'anything' i.e. cars, stereo set, home theater system, servants. Its a belief when these are burn in the vicinity of the tomb, the ancestors will receive it in heaven.
Before the burning starts, everything has to be clean hence the name tomb sweeping. It used to be a family affaird where every takes part and clean it. However, nowadays you can engage cleaner to clean it before you arrive whom are the locals nearby chancing on this opportunity to make a extra buck. Current price is 25 ringgit. We did just that. I'm just not born for manual labour. :)
Well, as a believer in the Christian faith, you are not supposed to hold the joss sticks or burn incense. However I beg to differ, as I think Its ok. I helped to burn some paper money and other gold colored paper. I viewed this as a form of respect and as an honour to do this. I don't believe my faith will be swayed by this, and if this act sways other's faith, well..their faith is just not strong enough. All in all, its a personal stand in this.
What I notice is lesser and lesser young people nowadays does it esspecially those that have to carry out in the 'ulu' (remote) areas where its infested with mosquitoes and scorching sun rays. I wonder when will be the day, when there is a cyber Qing Ming where we remember the dead in cyber space. They already have cyber cemetry for pets.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Being an Engineer
Was it my ambition since young to be an engineer. Engineer, Computer Engineers, Electrical Engineer and all sort of engineering were considered a professional and glamourous career when I was a much younger age. Those days, engineers takes 6-7 years to earn their degree.
Intrigued by Macgyver and all things sci-fi, when the teacher ask what is your ambition, "Cita-cita saya adalah menjadi jurutera" which means I want to be an engineer. The rest is history, you have to do well to be stream into science stream, and then pursue a engineering degree thereafter.
Then you realised, the perils of life hits you. Bills, insurances, bills, loan repayments, healthcare, food, a roof, etc. It seems, the engineering degree will land you a reasonable starting salary and then thats it. It tortoise from there. As cost of living increases, your salary crawls.
What's wrong with engineering ? What happens to the prestige and the glamour held by it ? In the government effort to churn out more engineers, the degree course now takes only 4 -5 years. And furthermore, its very exam oriented, means who cares about whether you know how to use the Ohms law, all you need is to know how to answer the question.
I am rethinking whether to pursue ahead on the technical path, it seems vague and bleak to me. Not many companies in Singapore/ Malaysia really encourage innovation and invention because of the cost factor. We are still trying to keep cost low in competition with the much more developed countries, thats why our engineers are still relatively cheap.
I would certainly advise my future generation to re-consider properly if he/she wishes to pursue a career in engineering.
Friday, April 06, 2007
WAs watching Blood Diamond just now. Maybe that cause me to be wide awake now.
I need to get some shut eye...I need to sleep...sandman...please..
Does counting sheep/goat/lambs help ? 1 ...2...3...4...darn...
I need alcohol...ZZzzzzz
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Best Advice yet..Wear Sunscreen

I came across an old song which I have live its advice.
Here is the best piece of advice yet,..
Wear sunscreen.
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. I will dispense this advice now.
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Oh, never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded. But trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked. You are not as fat as you imagine.
Don't worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you at 4 p.m. on some idle Tuesday.
Do one thing every day that scares you.
Don't be reckless with other people's hearts. Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.
Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself.
Remember compliments you receive. Forget the insults. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
Keep your old love letters. Throw away your old bank statements.
Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don't.
Get plenty of calcium. Be kind to your knees. You'll miss them when they're gone.
Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance. So are everybody else's.
Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it or of what other people think of it. It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.
Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room.
Read the directions, even if you don't follow them.
Do not read beauty magazines. They will only make you feel ugly.
Get to know your parents. You never know when they'll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings. They're your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.
Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young.
Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard. Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.
Accept certain inalienable truths: Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You, too, will get old. And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.
Respect your elders.
Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund. Maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse. But you never know when either one might run out.
Don't mess too much with your hair or by the time you're 40 it will look 85.
Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.
But trust me on the sunscreen.
And..its still the best piece of advice yet ..
Monday, April 02, 2007
What is Right and What is Wrong ?
What makes one thing right and what makes one thing wrong. What is Good ? What is Evil, and then after a while, there is a need for " the better Good" and " the lesser Evil" and " the necessary Evil". This part is when the concept of Flexible morals being explored.
Through years and years of civilization, men try to manipulate men. Setting and writing laws, rules, customs, beliefs to manipulate each other. Some for the benefit of living in harmony and togetherness, but some are purely selfish.
The mind is pure , naked and innocent when we were born. And it gets more complicated as we experience life.
Well, no one knows the answer except God Himself.
As for myself..
1. First tier cause and effect. An action that does not injure or cause dicomfort directly for someone or another living being, its warranted as Good. Otherwise its Bad.
2. Second tier cause and effect. if an action prevents less injury or discomfort for more people, then it overwrites 1.
3. Third tier. If an action benefits everyone, mankind or animalkind, then its good.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Quotes from Miss Hornist
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.
Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beaTing the air.
and she answers...
No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.
And I say
I find this true for most of us out there. What we hope to attain in life ? I always believed in short term specific goals and Long term big pictured goals. As you grow older, life gets complicated, and some of your dreams, you shelved it, some of your fantasies, you buried it, some of your hopes, remains as hope.
Blessed are those who knows what they want. Excited are those who knows how to attain what they want. Bliss for those who already got it.
I never believe in planning long term. I never believed in planning to fail. Plans almost never work the way you plan. Plan to fail, and you will fail. What happens if your plan hit a crossroad, or a unexpected junction. The key is ,I believe in decision making. The skills of making the right decision determines your life journey, life path, your experiences and who you are. Its the butterfly effect....
I do sometimes make stupid decisions, and it costs me. I make good decisions and it benefits me.
So, I need to make the right decisions in LIFE.
So, the blue shirt or the red shirt ?
* Miss Hornist is a friend which I admire for her spontaneous, quirky, honest, buey-paiseh and courageous character. Her decisions in life makes me drop my jaw, her antics with Taxi drivers makes me laugh. Tough girl ...and I always wonder why she and Souplad never got together ...hahaha..thats another story
Quick healthy Meals
1. Ingredients you don't have in your kitchen.
2. The time to whipped up something for yourself esspeically you are single, working in a Rat Race kinda world.
3. The time to buy a wanton meee and SausageMCMuffin is quicker than your healthier altenatives.
Breakfast can be simple. This is what i have been practising.
First of all, get the ingredients.
1. Walnuts, Almonds ( "Shi Ma Lu" somewhere near Bugis, its a lot of cheaper)
2. Honey Oats Cereal
3. SKimmed Milk ( low fat )
So every morning, just throw everything into the bowl. Some walnuts + cereal + milk. It will keep you full.
Anothe idea is add kiwi...peel and chopped them into cubes. Served with walnuts and milk. Kiwi may be substitute with Strawberries as well.
It takes me 10 minutes to prepare and to finish my meal every morning.
Bored with them..well..I am still lookin for quick, healthier meals. I like it fast, delicious and healthy. Will post them when I find out.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Movie Reviews..

Some movies I've watched recently.
A typical rags to riches story on how 3 girls started of as backup singers for a superstar, later superceded becoming superstars of their own. A story how the colored race trying to make it big in white dominant industry at that time. It is broadway style, meaning it has a lot of singing and dancing.
What amuses me , is that they even sing when they are quarrelling.
I give it 3/5 bananas.

A action-packed, computer graphics movie about King Leonidas bring along his 300 spartans to defend Sparta after failing to get support from his council for more soldiers, to stop the invading 170,000 army of King Xerxes of Persia.
Very entertaining. A lot of nice choreographed fighting moves that proves beyong reasonable doubt that the spartans are the best warriors of their time. And ladies and gays will be very much entertain by the feast of eight-packs , almost naked men fighting. Guys will be entertained by the action pack fighting scenes and not to leave out the steamy scenes. :)
Soupland thought it will be a great word "300" to describe a person who is a hero yet stupid. For eg, asking the boss not to smoke in front of you...etc.
" wah, you the very 300 !!!"
I enjoyed it. 4/5 bananas.
Stomp the Yard

A story on how a Dance battle gone wrong got DJ's brother got killed. To make matters worse, he got wrongfully convicted but got aquitted in the end.
Starting over a new leaf, he went to live with his uncle and aunt to study in a Black University, to realise his brother's dream. The university he is attending is crazy about stepping, a kind of dance, where members of the frat partake.
This show is plain cheesy and childish. Reminds me of myself in secondary school. How childish is university seniors and freshman, engage in stupid cheers, sabo and etc
I give it 1/5 banana.
Music and Lyrics

Story about a 70's superstar from the group POP, Alex trying to make a come back. He is only a favorite among the hot mamas now. He got his chance for a comeback when the current popular singer Cora ask him to compose a song to express her feelings when she broke up with a 2 month old boyfriend...duh !!!
Alex is good at melody, but is hopeless on writing the lyrics. Sophie , started of as Alex's plant girl caught his attention at her naturally talented skill of putting words that rhyme together hence she becomes Alex lyricist.
A funny romantic feel good movie with only one nice catchy song.
I give it 3/5 bananas.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Pirates ..alas
And now.. for Pirates of the Carribean,
Captain Jack Sparrow never ceased to amazed me. And thus, featuring the following, Pirates of the Carribean - at the World's end.
Trailers just you are
also starring Chow Yuen Fatt, as a pirate from Singapore. Sinkapor got pilate meh ?
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Now I understood how my cousin felt when all of us, family keep pestering her, teasing her on her diet. I asked her why is she doing this, cos her diet is peculiar, its not vegetarian nor vegan, nor atkins nor Ornish. It has no scientific or medical basis. She just eats plainly, like porridge, brown rice, steam fish, veges...barring all kinds of sinful food etc, etc. Her answer to me is that she just want to do this for a a few years, to train her discipline. I admired her for that and respect her from then. Now she eats better. I admire her determination.
Well, it was my unhealthy medical report that sparks me to change my diet and little of lifestyle. It requires some discipline at first, but after a while, you get used to it. And now I feel much better. To add to my harvest of my determination, my latest blood test shows that I passed in flying colors. But does that mean I can get back to my old ways of diet....No...I intend to keep it up as long as I could. Some friends think i might not last, some thinks i am overreacting. Well, I am a stubborn mule.
My diet's is pretty much what doctor advice to the general public which is to keep saturated fats as low as possible and eat plenty of beans, fruits and veges. But I go further by barring myself to daily intake of either fish or chicken. Beef or other red meats will be consumed once a month. Carbohydrates, refined sugar are kept to the minimum. Alcohol is permissible but not binge drinking. Fried foods, junk food and desserts, only once in a blue moon and be followed by extra exercise. As for snacks, nuts is my favorite. Cooking methods in the order of my preferance are steam, boil, bake, stir fry, saute...lastly fry.
And people around me always say " Wah !!! so healthy arr !!!".
Anyways, I have lost 3kg in a month. Reduced my cholesterol level by 52%, (it was very abnormally high before until the doctor's eyes popped out). And furthermore , I've gain a lot of information regarding cholesterol.
Welcome myself to my new life.
Monday, March 12, 2007
A thought
In Asia , India is the largest democratic country and China is the largest Communist country.
And during Cold War, we are being taught in schools, that
Communist - BAD
Democracy - GOOD
We were taught that dictatorship is bad , a parlimentary constitution will make a country prosper.
Today, China is one of the most important and rapidly growing economy in the world. and India and even United States is lagging behind in growth.
My views, are that countries are prospering because of capitalism, a incentive-driven society. The more laissez-faire state it is, the better. But if everything is profit or incentive driven, there will be no mercy nor compassion for those who left behind.
The rich becomes richer, the poor becomes poorer, eventually hell breaks loose.
We should re-think these polictical ideologies and someone needs to create a new and more suitable one for our society.
Democracy does not work, and neither does communist.
Decomcracy is plagued by cronyism, nepotism, elitism and briberism.
Communist is plagued by marginalism, elitism, and briberism.
Notice these are components of incentive driven-ism
Friday, March 09, 2007
Healthy Lifestyle
Sleep, has many beneficials to one's body. Deprived and lacking of it bring dire and bad consequences to your overall health. I used to clock only 5 hours of sleep daily. And it turns out,
I need more coffee during the day.
I have aching muscles.
My health report is not good.
I goto work late.
My mind can't think properly.
I make silly decisions and mistakes.
Sleep is a new science that scientist are discovering its benefits. When you sleep, your body subconciously begins to excretes toxins and unwanted fats from your body.
Whats the difference sleeping early and waking up vs sleeping late and waking up late ? Well, the idea is to be regular. once you regularly practices a sleeping pattern, the body learns to adjust it.
Its 1:28am now , and I need to ZZZ soon.
My regime works pretty ok...I went down from 62kg to 58.5 in 3 weeks.
Thursday, March 08, 2007 from Muar (uncensored)
Was forwarded from my cute cousin...very creatrive and original.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Saturday, March 03, 2007
Chap Goh Mei

Thursday, March 01, 2007
White Lies
which makes me wonder...
isit possible for a person not to tell lies ?
What is a lie ?
My trusty wordweb dictionary defines it as "A statement that deviates from or perverts the truth"
Pretty straightforward, but does hiding the truth perceived as lying as well ?
So, if you know that your nice boss is responsible shady under table bribery in your company, would you whistle blow and tell your superior or will you keep mum about it ? does that constitute a lie ?
I think most ... really.. most of my peers who underwent Moral studies in secondary school lied in their exams. We have a joke that the ones who scores the highest are the school biggest liars. Human are born flawless and will be flawed as they aged. Deceit, corruption, necessary evil are the building blocks of our society now.
Like House says, everyone lies. a better life will be how good you lie. Its difficult, so I will always ask my friends not to lie because a chinese saying goes, it takes another thousand lies to cover one lie.
Beer Brat says...not to lie does not mean he has to answer every damn question right ?
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Absolutely Valentine

Monday, February 12, 2007
Absolut Gong Hei
Saturday, February 10, 2007
The Beauty Trap
Humans being humans, undoubtly superficial. Pretty things, are always in favor more than its lesser counterparts in comparison. Its natural.
This is dedicated to my friend and of cos myself because we are merely normal man. We got weak at the sight of pretty ladies.
Todays incident, my friend was sitting, reading chilling out at Mc Cafe. Behold , a few feet away, seated therein 3 gorgeous ladies. I knew because he was excitedly sms-ing me. My friend, if you are reading this, you know who you are.
Then came a little girl, approaching my friend for donation. My friend in the presence of 3 beautiful swans, graciously, generously whipped out his wallet. Imagine the look at his face, when his wallets contains no less than a 50 dollar note. Unwantingly to emebarass himself, he generously gives the girl 50 dollar. The little girl, shockingly, keep thanking him for such a generous offer. And my friend, in depth...just labeled himself as "sucker".
When he tells me this, which he shouldn't, I keep laughing. Well, I do have my fair share being a sucker to pretty girls.
So, beautiful people, being pretty is a gift. Use it for the benefit of the society, go gather donations. Do you know NKF always put the pretty ladies to get donations from us?
Friday, February 09, 2007
SSB, a term i gotten from one of the episodes. Its "Single Secret Behavior". Carrie define it as something secret you do when you are alone and single which is not for the public roving eye,, not even the partner. Its probably to be shared with the closest, most intimate significant other.
I know I have a couple. Have you ?
I want, I need, I desire
When you spend you keep or wages, self help books on finance always urged you to seperate it into Wants and Needs.
Its simple.
Need takes the highest priority. A must have. Things like shelter, food, water...etc
Want would probably be something you like and enjoy but its not a must have. And you are able to afford it after saving some money for it.
But I would like to introduce Desire. Desire and want shares a thin line seperating them.
I view desire as wicked, something you want but hard to get or can't get. Something not always tangible. Something belonging to someone, or someone has. Desire is the highest of want. Usually its sexually related. haha.
I desire ...
Desire is what makes out life more coloful and fun.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Kawan, Peng You, Friends
A. Act blur, look at another direction or divert to another direction.
B. Look at his/her and see if he/she smiles to you or like yourself looking towards other direction.
C. Walk up to her and say " Hi, How are you doing ? " and go blah blah blah...hoping for him/her to reply " err...sorry, but i can't remember your name" or worse still, he/she remembers.
D. Smile and Nod if he/shelooks back at you.
These are Hi Bye friends. Friends who are introduced to you by your friends once or twice but failed to make a conversation ( conversations that lasts more than 30 minutes) or connection.
Honestly, I pick A nd D. When I pick B, the other party seems to pick A. Probably I am fugly or deem as someone dangerous. :P
Pretty obvious I classify friends. Some of my friends don't classify friends. All their friends are friends. What I meant, friends excluding girlfriend which of cos needs to be special. My take is , humans are bias, so the tendancy to classification either intentionally or not, is there.
Friends classification usually is segregated on how closely one is to the person usually based on the feeling of Trust. The closer and more priviledged friends , the more Trust existed beyond them. Trust is a very thin line, often breaks if one party betrays the Trust intentionally or unintentionally for his/her benefit. Some segregate friends by benefits. The more mutual benefits they get from each other , the closer they are. Hence...friends with benefits. haha !!!
Others can classify through clans, i.e. same village, same school. or through interest/hobbies, i.e biking friends, Dancing friends, golfing friend..etc and well...I can't think of anymore.
As for me...Trust.